General Learning Resources on Cyber Security

We are collating online resources on cyber security education and training for the community to use especially in the present online/blending learning requirements. Please note that the materials on this page are neither produced nor endorsed by the CyBOK project. They are meant to be helpful pointers and we are not responsible for their content. If you find any issues with any content, you should contact the material providers. If you consider the material to be erroneous or incorrect, please let us know the details and we will consider whether the link should continue to be provided on the CyBOK web site.

Learning and Development Resources

Incorporating Law into Cyber Security Higher Education


Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online


Future Learn Cyber Security Courses


Courses Online Cyber Security Courses


Online Cyber Security Degrees


Security Engineering workbench Research Project


For Undergraduate Students

Udemy Cyber Security Courses


SANS Archive of Security Webcasts


Creative common archive of educational material


Stanford University online course catalogue


Cyber Security Guide (US)


For Schools/Colleges

GCSE cyber security level resources


Cyber Security Challenge UK resources for schools


Online safety for children lesson plans and supporting materials


Practical hacking for secondary schools


Cyber security home schooling


Online safety videos for parents, teachers and children


For Professionals

CDSE short cyber security training videos


CyberTraining 365 short training videos
