Cyber security community together at the CyBOK Showcase event in Cardiff

Cyber security community together at the CyBOK Showcase event in Cardiff

Published: 20 Sep 2023, 4:35 p.m.

The CyBOK Showcase event took place on the morning of 18 September 2023 at sbarc|spark at Cardiff University in partnership with the UK Cyber Security Council. The event was chaired by Andrew Martin, Professor of Systems Security at the University of Oxford and a member of the CyBOK Executive Board.

Over 60 delegates attended and enjoyed a variety of presentations. Professor Awais Rashid, Head of Cyber Security Group at the University of Bristol kicked things off with an overview of CyBOK including use cases, thoughts on knowledge vs skills and examples of some recent CyBOK resources. This was followed by a spotlight on new and upcoming CyBOK materials from authors and editors.

Next up, the CEO of the UK Cyber Security Council, Simon Hepburn, updated on the Council’s workstreams and standards. The event was rounded off with presentations on three recent CyBOK-funded projects, demonstrating the breadth of materials being created for the benefit of different parts of the community.

The next event will be in spring/summer 2024 – details will be published on the website when available.

Event agenda and presentations

The event was not recorded; presentation slides are linked in the agenda below.

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