Excellent engagement at the CyBOK Showcase event in London
Published: 2 Mar 2023, 12:29 p.m.
The CyBOK Showcase event took place on the morning of 28 February 2023 at the Science Museum in London in partnership with the UK Cyber Security Council. The event was chaired by Dr Yulia Cherdantseva Director of the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education at Cardiff University and a member of the CyBOK Executive Board.
Over 60 delegates attended and enjoyed a variety of presentations. Professor Awais Rashid, Head of Cyber Security Group at the University of Bristol and Steve Schneider, Professor of Secure Systems, Surrey Centre for Cyber Security, gave an update on the latest CyBOK news, and an overview of the wealth of CyBOK resources available. Following this, the CEO of the UK Cyber Security Council, Simon Hepburn, updated on the Council’s workstreams and standards.
Delegates were then given an update from the CyBOK Industry Champion Peter Loomes on his work on CyBOK and recruitment, as the CyBOK team looks to improve industry engagement and take-up of CyBOK. Finally, there was a chance to hear about the current CyBOK Funded Projects.
Next up, we look forward to exhibiting at the CyberUK 2023 Conference at the International Conference Centre in Belfast 19 to 20 April 2023.
Event agenda and presentations The event was not recorded; presentation slides are linked in the agenda below where available.
CyBOK Foundations and Resources for the Community Awais Rashid, Professor of Cyber Security, University of Bristol and Steve Schneider, Professor of Secure Systems, Surrey Centre for Cyber Security
The UK Cyber Security Council & CyBOK: Introduction & Update Simon Hepburn, CEO, UK Cyber Security Council
The role of CyBOK in addressing recruitment challenges Peter Loomes, CyBOK Industry Champion
CyBOK Funded Projects:
Educational Resources in Support of the CyBOK 1.1 Curriculum Bastian Tenbergen, State University of New York at Oswego and Nancy Mead, SEI Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University (ret.)
Assessing the cross-disciplinary accessibility of CyBOK Xavier Carpent, University of Nottingham
Developing and testing a memory analysis workshop Joakim Kävrestad, University of Skövde
Engaging and active Forensics Education pedagogical practices Joseph Maguire, University of Glasgow
Open Source CyBOK Practical Challenges and Learning Resources Z. Cliffe Schreuders, Leeds Beckett University
Re-visualizing CyBOK: next phase imagery Miriam Sturdee, Lancaster University and Makayla Lewis, Kingston University
Towards a Responsible CyberSecurity Profession: Mapping CyBOK to Ethical Concerns Ivan Flechais, University
To get in touch with any of the CyBOK team, please email: contact@cybok.org.